It's been three weeks since we received our first bee hive; and we've preformed three inspections.
- The first inspection we didn't see the Queen, however she was out of her queen cage and we found eggs in the burr comb (or wild comb, the comb bees make not on the frames)! That was not only exciting but promising. Though, we did found many (like close to 100) dead bees in the hive top that's a mystery!
- Just before the second inspection I saw hords of ants entering and exiting the hive! I was so worried for our girls. I also found lots of dead bees immediatly in front of the hive. However, during the second inspection all looked good, we saw the Queen, and they had drawn out three frames.
- Then we had all that rain! Which I'm sure wasn't good for our colony. Yesterday we performed our third inspection and found several adult small hive beetles (SHB) and their larva! We saw the Queen, though no larva or capped brood. We think the SHB larva must have ate them! Now I'm very concerned!
Fingerscrossed they're strong enough to survive until the first batch of bee eggs hatch, which will not be at least 3 weeks!
Now on to a more positive topic! Our Garden...
Though our garden has been a bit neglected, it grows! This is the Traditional row garden, with Potatoes (far left), tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, beans, winter squash, and cucumbers. Also mixed in are a few herbs and flowers (basil and calendula).
Surprisingly our Eggplant, which had a terrible
Flea Beetle problem, is producing fruit! And I may have found a solution to the flea beetles -- 1 cup fresh lemon juice, pulp and seeds strained; mixed with 1/4 cup water. Put in spray bottle and spray leaves liberally! So far, they're staying off!
All of our tomato plants are blooming, and one is already producing tiny fruit -- Mortgage Lifter!
The peppers are blooming, and the Cherry Pepper is producing tiny fruit!
The lettuce is holding strong! Our favorite is the Crisp Mint, and by cutting it back to about 2-inches, it'll grow back! (And we have a little friend protecting it too!)
The snap peas are blooming!
Baby Boo pumpkins not only have blossoms, but have female blossoms!
And my son has found several toads around the yard, so we transplant them all to the garden!
How is your garden growing?
This was shared at
The Country Homemaker Hop and
Share Your Cup Thursday!
-Live Simple, Be Happy-
Magnolia Holler