
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sunflower Forest

Our Children's Garden already has the teepee for the miniature pumpkins to vine up, as well as provide a private hideaway for my son. And the Great Wall of Peas, for him to hide behind (and guard) while playing Super Hero! Now we have the Sunflower Forest!

First I drafted my plan. I have five sunflower varieties, all ranging in height.

Russian Mammoth 10'+
Arkara 10'
Vanilla Ice 5'-6'
Lemon Queen 5'
Chianti Hybrid 4'-5'

Next I marked the rows. Two rows, about a foot apart, and the seeds 15" apart in each row. I staggered the seeds in each row, so when they grow in it should be a nice, full forest.

We already have sprouts! I'm amazed how large this little sprout will grow!
This is the Russian Mammoth and could grow to the soaring height of 18'!

Won't the birds, bees, and butterflies just love us!
Are you planting any cheery sunflowers this year?

This was shared at the Backyard Farming Connection Hop and HomeAcre Hop.

-Live Simple, Be Happy-
Magnolia Holler


  1. How awesome! The bees will love you haha :) We have some sunflower seeds to plant this summer and I'm really excited!

  2. Well, that will be so fun. I'll be planting my sunflowers soon.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  3. I love this - sunflowers are so fun for kids!

  4. I love sunflowers! Thanks so much for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop!
