
Saturday, April 20, 2013

2013 Garden News

The cold weather is (hopefully) behind us! Please raise your glass with me in a toast to the 2013 Growing Season! Kicking off the season, so far we’ve planted:

  • 40 Early Italian Garlic
  • 63 Onions (Yellow/White/Red)
  • Lettuce (all Heirlooms- Crisp Mint, Gentilina, Tennis Ball, and Grandpa Admire’s)
  • Carrots (Calliope Blend, Touchon, and Rouge Demi-Longue De Chantenay)
  • 106 Sugar Daddy and Sugar Snap Peas
  • Easter Egg Radishes
  • 29 Sunflowers (Russian Mammoth, Arkara, Vanilla Ice, Lemon Queen, and Chianti)
This is the Children's Garden, it is for the early crops (listed above), and the three sisters (Corn, Pole Beans, and Squash). It's the first season for planting this site, so the soil isn't nearly as nice as it it aught to be. We'll see how it does. I've also never tried the three sisters method, so we'll see how that does as well.

But, we will have some fun structures in the Children's Garden - the Wall of Peas, the Sunflower Forest, and the TeePee of pumpkins, not to mention the Maze of Corn!

The low for the next couple days (34) doesn't look pleasant, I was going to plant today, but maybe I'll wait til next week...
  • Beans (Kitchen King Bush Snap; Caseknife and Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean)
  • Corn (Stowell's Evergreen Sweet, Peaches & Cream, Early Bantam)
  • Cucumber (Long Green Improved)
  • Eggplant (Early Midnight)
  • Peppers (Jimmy Nardello, Sweet Red Cherry, and Candy Apple Bell)
  • Potatoes (Yukon Gold and Kennebec)
  • Squash (Loofa, Birdhouse Gourd, Pink Banana, and Spaghetti)
  • Tomatoes (Sun Gold, Brandywine Red and Pink, Cherokee Purple, Rutgers, Mortgage Lifter, Juliet, and Beef Master)
Then, the first week of May I'll plant:
  • Pumpkins (Connecticut Field, Jarradale, Musquee de Provence, Rouge Vif d'Etampes, Winter Luxery, Baby Boo, Jack Be Little, and Jack O'Lantern)
  • Watermelon (Sugar Baby, Stone Mountain, Moon & Stars, Jubilee, Wilson's Sweet, Green Fleshed Pineapple, and Charleston Gray)
I've started many seeds indoors, including flowers and herbs...they are all doing well, outside hardening off, and anxiously awaiting transplant time!

What does your garden list look like this year?
This was shared at the Farm Girl Blog Fest.

-Live Simple, Be Happy-
Magnolia Holler

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